What the Heck is SysAdmin Day?
System Administrator Appreciation Day is held on the last Friday of July. This year it is being held on July 31st, 2020. It was created in 1999 and is recognized internationally. Not all Superheroes wear capes . . . I.T. Superheroes for example: consult with their clients, design computer systems, purchase and install new hardware, trouble-shoot problems, perform back-ups, clear support tickets all while doing so behind the scenes so end-users are able to seamlessly maintain productivity.
Why a Whole Day to Celebrate System Administrators?
When was the last time you really thought about how smoothly your computer was operating? Your computer system is a lot like your plumbing. . . unless there is a problem, you don’t really think about it (National Hug a Plumber Day is April 25 in case you want to pencil that in for next year). Let’s face it – for 364 days a year your IT Pro gets no attention unless something goes wrong. Consider everything your IT Professional does behind the scenes to ensure your computer “just works” so you can do your job. Below is just a partial list:
- Ensures your company’s network is safe, secure and accessible at all times from any location
- Securing your company’s data to avoid data breaches and cyber attacks
- Optimizes computer performance
Keep in mind many tasks occur nights and weekends so there is limited disruption to end-users during key business hours of operation. The least we can do is take a minute to recognize him/her for all they do to keep your business up and running all year long!
Have You Hugged Your System Administrator Lately?
Given we’re amid a global pandemic, hugging probably isn’t the best idea to celebrate System Administrator Appreciation Day, 2020. So how should you show your appreciation? Send a quick note, text or call to say, ‘thanks for all you do’. The next time you’re having a company pizza party, invite your IT guy or gal to join in! They’d love to get to know your team in a more informal setting. Next time you need to call about an issue, try to remember all the times things have worked perfectly and start off the conversation with “I appreciate all you do . . .” It’s the little things that will make your IT techies feel valued.